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OIBC - 5 :Towards Peace, Security, the Respect of Human Rights, and Forced displacement


OIBC - 5

OIBC 5 focuses on Strengthening capacity and capabilities in conflict prevention and addressing the root causes of conflict for a more comprehensive, inclusive, and effective interventions towards development, through a decrease in violent conflict and an achievement of sustaining peace. The Co-convenors of this coalition (UNODC, UNOAU, UNDP, OHCHR & IOM) are working with several UN agencies and partners in areas related to SDGs 3, 16 & 17, and building a network of experts to connect and share knowledge in a Community of Practice (CoP).

Our Program

OIBC - 5

OIBC 5 focuses on supporting African countries in strengthening data collection on trends that affect peace, security, and the rule of law in Africa. This includes building capacities to prepare Joint trends analysis with the African Union Commission and Member States on transnational organized crime flows, drug trafficking trends, drug demand, and other trends that affect the security and safety of African Governments and the people, with particular attention to the Sahel region. Flagship initiatives include the establishment of the Africa Facility to Support Inclusive Transitions (AFSIT); support for the stabilization, recovery and resilience of the Lake Chad Basin and Liptako-Gourma regions; support countries in Africa in all aspects of strengthening border management in order to mitigate security risks; preventing and responding to Violent Extremism in Africa; and sstrengthening rule of law and accountability for human rights. .

Work Plan

Our multi-annual work plans provide key insights into our flagship initiatives and expected achievements

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We monitor, evaluate, and report on the inputs, outputs, and outcomes of our work program

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21 October

Inauguration of Africa Hall

October 21 – 24, 2024   -   Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
04 November

Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum WUF12

November 4 -8, 2024   -   Cairo, Egypt
05 November

World Without Hunger Conference

November 5 – 7, 2024   -   Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
23 November

African Economic Conference 2024

November 23 to 25, 2024   -   Gaborone, Botswana



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