Driven by the UN SG’s recommendation # 4 on strengthening the data ecosystem in Africa and the imperative to design and deliver a ONE UN National Statistical Capacity building Programme, OIBC - I is working in áreas related to all the SDGs. The Co-convenors of this coalition (UNECA & UNFPA) are working with several UN agencies and stakeholders, and building a network of experts to connect and share knowledge, in a dynamic Community of Practice.
OIBC 1 focuses on designing and delivering a ONE UN National Statistical Capacity development Program in all African countries, and developing a joint United Nations-African online data portal to serve as a one-stop shop for high-quality data and statistical analysis, providing evidence on progress made and achievements of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 Africa. .
Our multi-annual work plans provide key insights into our flagship initiatives and expected achievements
We monitor, evaluate, and report on the inputs, outputs, and outcomes of our work program
Discuss, Collaborate, Learn, and Share Innovative Knowledge
Improving Generation and Availability of Nutrition Data in Uganda
| WHO – Uganda