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AKMH Glossary

2030 Agenda for Sustainable   Development

 A global agenda adopted by United Nations member states in 2015, consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. The agenda aims to address various economic, social, and environmental challenges by 2030, promoting sustainable development and leaving no one behind.


 The responsibility to provide explanations and justify actions or decisions, often associated with reporting and answering for outcomes.

Accountability for Human Rights

 Ensuring that individuals and institutions are held responsible for upholding and protecting human rights.


 The process of adjusting to changing environmental conditions to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance resilience.

Advisory Services

 Providing informed advice, insights, and recommendations on specific topics to guide decision-making and actions of governments, institutions, or individuals.


 Active support, promotion, and communication of certain causes, ideas, or policies to influence public opinion, policy decisions, and actions by relevant stakeholders.

Africa Facility to Support Inclusive Transitions (AFSIT)

 A program aimed at providing support for inclusive transitions, particularly in conflict-affected areas.

Africa Knowledge Management Hub

 A central platform for managing and sharing knowledge related to various aspects of development and issues specific to the African region.

Africa Regional Collaborative Platform (RCP)

 A collaborative mechanism established by the United Nations that brings together all UN entities working on development for the 2030 Agenda in the African region. The RCP aims to address regional challenges that transcend national borders and to support United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) through various means such as policy advice, technical assistance, advisory services, advocacy, and programmatic support.

Africa Regional SDG Initiatives

 Collective efforts and actions undertaken within the African region to advance the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of global goals aimed at achieving a more sustainable and equitable world.

Africa’s Biggest Challenges

 The major issues and problems facing the African continent, including poverty, gender inequality, climate change, and financial gaps.

African Continental Free Trade Area

 A trade agreement among African countries that aims to create a single market for goods and services, promote intra-African trade, and enhance economic integration across the continent.

African Union (AU)

 A continental organization of African nations aimed at promoting unity, cooperation, and development across the continent.

African Union Commission

 The administrative body of the African Union responsible for executing its policies and decisions.

Agenda 2063

 A strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the African continent, adopted by the African Union in 2013. It envisions a prosperous and united Africa that is integrated, inclusive, and sustainable by the year 2063.


 The capacity for independent decision-making and self-governance.

Baseline Data

 Initial or starting data that serves as a reference point for comparison or evaluation.

Border Management

 Strategies and actions aimed at effectively managing and securing national borders to mitigate security risks and challenges.

Capacity Building

 The process of developing skills, knowledge, and resources within individuals, organizations, or countries to enhance their ability to achieve specific goals and tasks.

Capacity Development

 Enhancing the skills, knowledge, and resources of individuals, organizations, or communities to effectively address challenges and achieve goals.

Civil Society Organizations

 Non-governmental and non-profit organizations that represent various interests and concerns of society, working independently from the government.

Climate Change and Resilience

 Addressing the impacts of changes in the Earth's climate patterns and building the ability of systems and communities to adapt, withstand, and recover from these impacts.

Climate Change

 Dealing with the impacts of global warming and related environmental changes.


 Two vice-chairs from the Regional Economic Commissions and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) play a vital role in the leadership structure of the RCP. These co-chairs represent key entities responsible for regional development and growth.


 Organizations or entities that share the responsibility of convening or leading a particular task force, initiative, or group.

Collaboration for Sustainable Development

 The RCP fosters a collaborative approach among UN entities, promoting cooperation to achieve sustainable development goals and targets across Africa.

Community of Practice (CoP) Platform

 A digital space or platform where individuals with shared interests or expertise can interact, collaborate, and exchange knowledge and experiences.


 The 27th Conference of the Parties, a gathering under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) where countries discuss and negotiate climate-related actions and agreements.

Cost Avoidance

 The reduction or prevention of costs that would have otherwise been incurred.

Credible Sources

 Reliable and trustworthy sources of information that are well-regarded and recognized.

Critical Thinking

 The ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information, leading to well-reasoned judgments and problem-solving.

Cross-Pillar Collaboration

 Collaborative efforts that involve multiple sectors or disciplines within an organization, often aiming to address complex challenges that require integrated solutions.

Data Analysis

 The process of examining, cleaning, transforming, and interpreting data to uncover insights, patterns, and trends.

Data Collection

 The process of gathering and compiling information or statistics from various sources for analysis and decision-making.

Data Dissemination

 The distribution and sharing of data and information with relevant stakeholders, making it accessible for various uses.

Decade of Action

 A ten-year period leading up to 2030, during which a concerted effort is being made to achieve the SDGs through increased collaboration among governments, civil society, businesses, and individuals.

Developing Countries

 Nations that are in the process of industrialization and economic growth, often characterized by lower income levels, limited infrastructure, and other socio-economic challenges.

Development Planning

 The process of outlining strategies and actions to achieve development goals, often involving the allocation of resources and the establishment of priorities.

Digital Health Governance

 The framework and mechanisms for overseeing, regulating, and managing digital health initiatives and technologies.

Economic Growth

 The increase in a country's production and consumption of goods and services over time.

Economic Integration

 The process of combining economies through various agreements and collaborations to achieve greater economic benefits and growth.


 The process of enabling individuals or groups to gain control over their lives, make informed choices, and take actions to improve their circumstances.

Enhanced Efficiency

 The RCP streamlines efforts and prevents duplication of activities by fostering collaboration and harmonizing approaches across UN entities.

Environmental Sustainability

 Ensuring that natural resources are used in a way that does not deplete them and maintains ecological balance.


 Factual information, data, research findings, and observations that provide support or justification for claims, decisions, or actions.


 Goods or services produced within a country and sold to other countries for consumption or use.

Food Sovereignty

 The right of individuals and communities to have control over their own food production, distribution, and consumption, emphasizing local and traditional practices.


 Policies, programs, and approaches that take into account the specific needs and experiences of different genders, aiming to reduce inequalities and promote equity.

Global Goals

 Another term for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all.

Global Standards

 Internationally recognized benchmarks or criteria that guide actions, policies, and practices to ensure quality and consistency across different contexts.

Global Stock Take

 A periodic assessment process under the Paris Agreement to review global progress toward its objectives.


 Addressing disparities and imbalances in terms of access to resources, opportunities, and basic services.

Informed Decision Making

 Making choices based on accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information and data, ensuring a higher likelihood of successful outcomes.


 Collaboration among diverse entities fosters innovative thinking and the sharing of novel approaches to address complex issues.

Innovative Financing

 Creative and alternative approaches to funding projects and programs, often involving the use of financial mechanisms beyond traditional sources.

Integrated Planning and Reporting Toolkit (IPRT)

 A web application designed with the sponsor of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) to help countries integrate and report on their progress toward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063.

International Development

 Efforts aimed at improving the well-being, economic growth, and quality of life in countries across the globe, often through targeted projects and policies.

Intra-African Trade

 The exchange of goods and services between African countries, with the goal of boosting economic growth and development within the continent.

Joint Trends Analysis

 Collaborative assessments and evaluations of emerging patterns or phenomena, often carried out by multiple entities working together.



Just Transition

 A concept emphasizing the equitable transition to a low-carbon and sustainable economy, ensuring that workers and communities are not left behind during shifts to more environmentally friendly practices.

Knowledge Sharing

 The exchange and dissemination of information, experiences, and insights among individuals and groups to promote learning and collaboration.

Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

 Nations that face significant economic challenges, including low income, low human development indicators, and vulnerability to external shocks. LDCs often receive special support and assistance from the international community.

Loss and Damage (L&D)

 The adverse effects of climate change that go beyond what can be managed through adaptation efforts, leading to financial and non-financial losses that need support and assistance.

Losses and Damage Fund

 A financial mechanism or resource pool designed to address and provide support for the losses and damages caused by climate change impacts.

Monitoring and Evaluation

 Processes of systematically tracking, assessing, and analyzing the progress and impact of projects, programs, or initiatives.

National Development

 The process through which a country plans, implements, and manages policies, strategies, and initiatives to achieve its development goals and improve the well-being of its citizens.

National Statistical Capacity Development Program

 A comprehensive initiative aimed at enhancing the ability of individual countries to collect, process, analyze, and disseminate accurate and reliable statistical data for informed decision-making and development planning.

New Technologies and Digital Solutions

 Innovations and tools that leverage digital platforms, data analytics, and emerging technologies to address various challenges and drive positive outcomes.


 Opportunity/Issues-Based Coalition


 An interdisciplinary approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, emphasizing collaboration to address health challenges at the intersection of these domains.

Online Data Portal

 A digital platform that consolidates, organizes, and provides access to various types of data and statistical analysis through a centralized hub on the internet.

Operations Management Teams (OMTs)

 Teams responsible for managing and overseeing operational activities within specific countries.

Peace and Security

 Efforts and initiatives aimed at maintaining peace, preventing conflicts, and ensuring the safety and security of individuals and communities.

Policy Development

 The process of formulating, revising, and implementing policies that guide decision-making and actions.

Post-Harvest Management

 Activities related to handling and managing harvested crops after they are collected, including storage, processing, and distribution.

Regional Business Operations Strategy (R-BOS)

 A strategic plan or framework aimed at enhancing the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of business operations within a specific region.

Regional Expertise Repository

 A collection or database of knowledge and expertise from individuals or organizations within a specific geographic region.

Regional Integration

 The process of countries coming together to collaborate and cooperate in areas such as trade, policies, regulations, and infrastructure to achieve mutual benefits and development.

Regional Operations Management Team (R-OMT)

 A team responsible for managing and overseeing various operational aspects within a specific region.


 The ability to withstand, recover from, and adapt to shocks, stresses, and challenges, including those caused by climate change and other disruptions.

Sahel Region

 A semi-arid belt of land in Africa that stretches across several countries, facing environmental and security challenges.


 Special Envoys, individuals designated to represent the United Nations and advocate for specific issues or initiatives.

Single Market

 An arrangement where goods, services, capital, and sometimes labor can move freely among participating countries, as if they were part of one domestic market.

Social and Economic Development

 Progress and improvements in both societal well-being and economic conditions.

Social Inclusion

 The process of ensuring that all individuals and groups have equal access to opportunities, resources, and benefits within a society.


 Special Representatives of the Secretary-General, individuals appointed by the United Nations to represent the Secretary-General in specific situations or regions.

Stabilization, Recovery, and Resilience

 Efforts to bring stability, promote recovery, and enhance resilience in regions affected by conflict or crisis.

Sustainable Debt Coalition

 Collaborative efforts aimed at managing and addressing the sustainability aspects of debt in the context of climate change and environmental considerations.

Sustainable Development

 Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It balances economic, social, and environmental considerations.

Task Force

 A temporary group or committee established to work on a specific task, project, or issue within an organization.

Technical Assistance

 Offering specialized expertise, knowledge, and skills to assist governments, organizations, or individuals in addressing specific challenges or achieving particular goals.

Three Pillars of Sustainable Development

 The three interconnected dimensions of sustainable development economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

Trade Barriers

 Obstacles, such as tariffs, quotas, and regulations, that hinder the free flow of goods and services between countries, affecting international trade.

Transcending Borders

 The RCP is designed to address challenges that go beyond individual country borders, recognizing that certain issues have regional implications that require collective action and coordination.

Transformational Education

 An approach to education that goes beyond traditional methods, focusing on holistic development, critical thinking, and practical skills for real-world application.

Transnational Organized Crime Flows

 Illegal activities that are coordinated across national borders by organized criminal groups.


 The quality of being open, clear, and easily understood. In the context of data and reporting, it implies providing access to information and making processes visible to ensure accountability.

UN African Regional Knowledge Assets

 The information, expertise, and resources related to various topics that are specific to the African region and are managed by the United Nations.

UN Info BOS Data Monitoring Platform

 A platform used to monitor and track data related to the Business Operations Strategy within the United Nations.


 United Nations Development System, the collective group of UN organizations working together to support global development goals.

United Nations

 An international organization established to promote peace, cooperation, and development among countries, comprising various specialized agencies, programs, and entities.

United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs)

 UNCTs are groups of United Nations agencies, funds, and programs working together in specific countries to support national development efforts and implement the Sustainable Development Goals. They collaborate with national governments, civil society, and other stakeholders to achieve common goals.

Universal Trading System

 A global framework that facilitates trade and commerce among countries by establishing common rules, standards, and procedures.

Violent Extremism

 The use of violence to promote extreme ideologies or political goals.

Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs)

 A component of the follow-up and review mechanisms outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Member states voluntarily participate in conducting comprehensive and inclusive reviews of their progress towards achieving the SDGs at both the national and sub-national levels.


 The state of being healthy, content, and satisfied, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of life.

Women Empowerment

 Efforts to enhance the capabilities and autonomy of women, enabling them to make informed choices, exercise their rights, and participate fully in economic, social, and political activities.

 Youth Empowerment

 The process of equipping young people with the knowledge, skills, resources, and opportunities to actively participate in decision-making processes and contribute to society.