Towards the Future: Youth Leadership and UN 2.0 in Malawi
Stories & Blogs UNDCOJun 05, 2024(Blog )21st century problems require 21st century solutions. They also need next-generation trailblazers.
Delivering Efficiently: Multiplying Results for Development
Stories & Blogs UNSDGMay 21, 2024(Story )The ever-shifting landscape of international cooperation demands a United Nations that is agile, efficient, and delivers tangible results.
Secretary-General appoints Kristèle Younès of Lebanon as the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Guinea
Stories & Blogs UNSDGMay 20, 2024(Announcement )Ms. Younès, brings more than 20 years of experience in humanitarian action, human rights, and development work in international organizations and academia.
Transforming through Turbulence: UN Teams Coordinate for Collective Impact
Stories & Blogs UNSDGMay 13, 2024(Story )The world has witnessed a stagnation in progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with only 15 per cent of targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are on track as of 2023.
Drive Ambition, Deliver Dignity: UN Deputy Chief at the Africa Regional Collaborative Platform
Stories & Blogs UNSDGMay 01, 2024(Story )UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed called for greater ambition and leadership from African countries at her annual dialogue with Regional Directors of UN entities
Around the World: Daily Updates from UN Country Teams- April 2024
Stories & Blogs UNSDGApr 16, 2024(Story )Our UN teams are on the ground in 162 countries and territories, coordinating joint programmes and tackling a range of multi-faceted priorities and key initiatives on a daily basis
Massive investment and financial reform needed to rescue SDGs
Stories & Blogs UNSDGApr 11, 2024(Story )Financing for sustainable development is at a crossroads and without urgent investment, global efforts to achieve a more just and equitable world by 2030 will fail, the UN deputy chief warned.
Preparations gear up for the 10th Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development in Addis Ababa
Stories & Blogs ECAApr 08, 2024(Story )Addis Ababa, 8 April 2024 (ECA) - The 10th Session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD-10) will be held in hybrid format on 23-25 April 2024 at the headquarters of the African Union Commission (AUC) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Secretary-General appoints Violet Kenyana Kakyomya of Uganda as the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Burundi
Stories & Blogs UNSDGApr 08, 2024(Announcement )Ms. Kakyomya brings more than 20 years of experience in development, peace building and humanitarian programming
Secretary-General appoints François Batalingaya of Rwanda as the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Chad
Stories & Blogs UNSDGMar 14, 2024(News )Mr. Batalingaya brings 30 years of experience in international development and humanitarian assistance. He currently serves as the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Comoros.