UNHCR is working with data and statistics to generate reliable information to save, protect, and improve the lives of refugees, and other forcibly displaced and stateless people.
UNHCR is working with data and statistics to generate reliable information to save, protect, and improve the lives of refugees, and other forcibly displaced and stateless people.
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) provides data and analytics to build...
Reliable and comparable population data and the global impact of UNFPA’s support.
The UN Environment Programme offers real-time data tools and platforms feature data sets, reports...
Browse UN Climate Change data, reports, publication, platforms, portals and microsites.
Global, regional, and country/territory-level data on key dimensions of human development, with interactive insights and publications.
Monitoring the situation of children and women globally. Consistent, credible data about children’s situations are critical to the improvement of their lives – and indispensable to realizing the rights of every child.