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La CNUCED Appelle à des Actions Globales Audacieuses pour Décarboner le Transport Maritime et Assurer une Transition Juste

Stories & Blogs CNUCEDSep 27, 2023(Communiqué de presse )

L’Etude sur les transports maritimes 2023 appelle à agir au plus vite et collaborer à l'échelle du système pour décarboner le transport maritime dans un contexte d'augmentation des émissions de carbone et d'incertitude réglementaire.

Review of Maritime Transport 2023: Facts and Figures on Africa

Stories & Blogs UNCTADSep 27, 2023(Information Note )

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement is expected to increase intra-African freight by 28% and demand for maritime freight by 62%.

Comment éviter une crise de la dette en Afrique subsaharienne ?

Stories & Blogs FMISep 26, 2023(Article )

La dette publique dans la région atteint des niveaux jamais observés depuis des décennies

Unstoppable Africa 2023: Shaping A Future Of Prosperity And Innovation

Stories & Blogs UN Global CompactSep 25, 2023(News )

Boosting Africa’s standing in the global economy and establish the continent as the foremost destination for business, trade, and investment

How can African countries improve their credit ratings?

Stories & Blogs New African MagazineSep 21, 2023(Article )

It is essential to raise additional finance if Africa’s SDGs are to keep on track. Jean-Marc Kilolo outlines how the UN Economic Commission for Africa is helping countries improve their credit ratings and search out innovative ways of financing.

Africa struggles to finance Sustainable Development Goals

Stories & Blogs New African MagazineSep 21, 2023(Article )

Poorer countries are facing a potentially disastrous cash crunch as aid and capital flows dry up. But innovative financing models can, with international support, bridge the gap. Report by Neil Ford.

AfCFTA to increase demand for transport by 50%

Stories & Blogs New African MagazineSep 21, 2023(Article )

The transport sector is forecast to be one of the big winners from implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area. Busani Bafana highlights the findings of a report by the UN Economic Commission for Africa.

Africa can overcome its challenges, says AU High Representative for Silencing the Guns

Stories & Blogs New African MagazineSep 20, 2023(Article )

Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas (pictured above), the African Union’s High Representative for Silencing the Guns, talks candidly about the current political and economic status quo of Africa, the decline of democracy, the marginalisation of populations and why ins

ITC, African Union Commission partner to make African small business voice heard.

Stories & Blogs ITCSep 13, 2023(News )

The African Union Commission (AUC) and The International Trade Centre (ITC), a United Nations Agency, unite to advance the priorities of African micro, small, and medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) at the 2nd annual African Union MSME Forum.

3rd Edition of the NTA Africa Conference: Focus on Demographic Dividend, Generational Economics and Sustainable Development in Africa

Stories & Blogs ECASep 01, 2023(Story )

The Sub-Regional Office for West Africa of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA/SRO-WA), in partnership with the NTA Africa Network via its Secretariat, the Regional Consortium for Research in Generational Economy (CREG), the Population